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Cannabis Vanilla Coffee - DIY Recipe

We are constantly experimenting with cannabis oil and how to use the extracted oil in micro dosing during the day.

One of my favorite cannadrinks is Sons of Sativa but it’s not always in stock and if I can figure out how to make my own.

This week, we will be trying this new mix, Vanilla CannaCoffee.


After you have all the ingredients, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open up your oil, if it’s in a jar like the one I bought you will need to heat the oil with a little bit of coconut oil to help get it all out. I do this by putting the extract cannabis oil on a very low heat and waiting. The temperature should be low enough to liquidize the oils without burning. It takes about 15 min to slowly liquidize the mix. While waiting you can do the next steps.

Step 2: Open the bottle of 32oz Chameleon Cold - Brew Vanilla Coffee and pour out about 8oz of it.

Step 3: Open up the ½ Bottle of Vanilla Milk Coffee Creamer Simple Truth Organic and add to the same bottle that the coffee came in. The cannabis oil will bond with the fat in the creamer and have a subtle but longer effect.

Step 4: Now the oil is ready to pour into the mix. I slowly pour it directly into the coffee/cream mix. With this type of cannabis oil container, you can flip it upside down and just let it sit there. Each oil/extract container is different at most medical dispensaries. Some are in a push syringe, some are a pen form or like this one, a tiny jar that looks like an inkwell.

Step 5: On a very low heat like in step 1. This will slowly dissolve the oils with the milk and coffee without overheating which would takes bad and not have the same effects. Once blended together for about 30 min on very low heat, give it a little shake up, back on heat for 30 more min.

Step 6: After the heat, blending and waiting, you can enjoy a cup. Each ounce of coffee is about 32mg. A standard small coffee is 8 oz or 248 mg with this mix. I’m micro dosing, so I will be having an 4-5 1 oz doses a day to see how it works.

We will post the results from this new concoction in a few days.

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