2020 has started off with a bunch of freelance creative work and new places I'm showing work.
I'm working on a couple new branding projects for new clients so I have slowed the art making down a little but must pick it up because I have a lot on display and for sale.
You can currently see my work up in these places in CO:
10+ pieces @ Independence Gallery - Loveland Co
6 pieces @ TriLake Arts - Palmer Lake Co
6 pieces @ Remedi.Care - Golden Co.
5 pieces @ KindLove Dispensary - Denver Co
6 pieces @ The French Press - Greenwood Co
I will also be involved in an up and coming group show by Conceptions Arts in a few months. I will be sharing more info on the show as the time nears. If you are aware of pop-up shows, you can buy tickets here >>
Last but not least, I will be taking a #Art Van trip to southern Colorado, down to #Telluride, #Durango etc. I plan on going this late this week or next. 4-5 days hitting all the #galleries south of Denver, #painting and #vanlife along the way.
If anyone knows any stops to sell my work or see something that could influence my work, please let me know while I'm on this #roadtrip.