I was asked by Stories Without Borders for a donation that goes on auction Thursday night at LoCo Artisan Coffee House.
It all kicks off at 544 Cleveland Ave, Loveland Colorado :
6:00 PM - Silent auction starts
6:30 PM - Storytelling
7:00 PM - Documentary film screening
7:30 PM - Silent auction ends
They picked an experimental piece I made a few years ago. It was an experiment of texture and delicate tissue paper. I wanted to recreate what happens in a mummification of materials. This was after watching a History Channel doc on peat bog mummies.
Stories Without Borders (SWB) received a Special Projects Program Grant from The Colorado Health Foundation to support Sharing Stories. Our goal is to normalize accessing mental health treatment in order to shorten the time between when people begin to experience mental health symptoms and when they access care.
In 2017, SWB held a eight week workshop with activities that lead to a series of true stories of people who have successfully navigated challenges on their way to mental wellness and well-being.
These stories will be available at sharingstoriescolorado.com as free communication tools - available to any person, teacher, organization or advocate that wishes to use them to start new conversations and normalize the very common need for mental health treatment.
Please go, bid, win, share and engage this Thursday.
#florence #fiber #texture #tanning #fragile #auction #storieswithoutboarders #coloradohealth #lococoffee